Next winter, Estonia will host the BMW IBU Biathlon World Cup stage, which will be held on March 10–13, 2022 at Tehvandi Sports Center in Otepää. This is going to be the first ever IBU World Cup stage held in the Baltics. Ticket sales started on March 4, 2021.

During the four-day event, the best biathletes from all over the world will compete in Otepää, many of whom are already familiar with Tehvandi Sports Center from the beginning years of their careers. Otepää has previously hosted both Junior and IBU Cup races, as well as European Championships. The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon stage will be held in Otepää on four consecutive days from Thursday, March 10th to Sunday, March 13th. The exact programme and distances will be announced in Spring 2021.
At Tehvandi Sports Center, the modernization necessary for the major sports event was largely completed already last year. By now, an artificial snow production container has also been purchased, which allows to produce snow in temperatures above zero degrees. "Tehvandi Sports Center meets the requirements of the A-license, which allows it to organize any international competitions. However, the environment around us is constantly changing, and so are the requirements and conditions for the organizers of the competition," said Aivar Nigol, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Otepää BMW IBU World Cup stage. "The shooting range and some stadium facilities still need investments. The necessary improvements will be determined in May, when the IBU will have inspected the competition center," Nigol added.
The World Cup stage can be enjoyed by the track where screens will be installed to provide a better experience, as well as at the ski stadium seating area, shooting range grandstand and VIP grandstand. "The Estonian audience will have the opportunity to see and experience world-class biathlon at its best," said Nigol, "We are expecting foreign guests from neighbouring countries and all over Europe. The estimate is 6,000 foreign visitors and at least the same amount from Estonia."
In addition to the world-class race, the audience can enjoy a diverse and exciting leisure and cultural program. "In cooperation with the Tartu Capital of Culture 2024 team, we want to offer our guests a special "path of culture", which includes local cuisine and products, as well as different activities for both children and adults,” said Nigol. The organizers are also expecting families and young people to attend the event. The entrance is free for children up to 12 years old. "It is worth buying the ticket early, because the first 1000 tickets are available at discount price," he added.
The first ever Biathlon World Cup stage in the Baltics will be held at the Tehvandi Sports Center in Otepää on March 10–13, 2022.