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Ticket sales for the IBU Junior World Championships in Otepää have started

In coming winter, Estonia will host the IBU Youth & Junior World Championships, which will be held from 23 February to 2 March 2024 at the Tehvandi Sports Center in Otepää. Ticket sales are open from 14 February 2023.

The eight-day competition will see the world's best young biathletes racing in Otepää. This is the second time for Estonia to host the IBU Youth/Junior World Championships. "Today’s biathlon stars have often started their journey from the youth class title competitions," said Aivar Nigol, Chairman of the Organizing Committee. "For example, Sturla Holm Lægreid and Elvira Öberg won their first important medals at the IBU Youth & Junior World Championships in Otepää in 2018," Nigol added.

The shooting range grandstand of the Tehvandi Sports Center (foto: Jarek Jõepera).

The Estonian national team also has good results to show from youth title competitions - in 2022, Jakob Kulbin was crowned youth world champion at Soldier Hollow in the USA. "For the offspring of the Estonian national team, the title competition at home is definitely a very important event, which could motivate young people to commit to a career in sports," Nigol said. He added that many of the young athletes competing in Otepää in 2024 will return to the Tehvandi tracks already three years later for the adult world championships.

In the spring of 2022, Otepää hosted the first Biathlon World Cup stage ever held in the Baltics. "The Otepää World Cup stage received very positive international feedback, which is why we have to keep up the good work or even improve our organizational level," Nigol said, "The Junior World Championships are a good challenge for the organizers before the next World Cup stage in Otepää in 2026 and the World Championships in 2027."

The IBU Youth & Junior World Championships in Otepää will take place on eight competition days from 23 February to 2 March 2024. "Tickets to the grandstand are available a year in advance. You can enjoy the competition standing by the track free of charge," Nigol added. The exact schedule of the competitions will be confirmed in the spring of 2023.


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